1. Personal Appeal
The FNP Media tvc not only uses mixed media to catch attention ( the colour blocking in the commercial with a vibrance of neutral shades and floral pastels to attract a customer’s eye ), but also appeals to personal concerns of a paternal uncle who is like a father figure. An emotional feel is added to this tvc.
This Archies ad depicts the love between a husband and wife and how the teddy becomes the means of communication to give re-assurance to the wife. Often wives feel the need to get some sort of re-assurance from the husband in years of marriage and it’s beautifully shown in this ad.
2. Social Appeal
In this Tata Tea ad, a young man is shown taking an interview of a politician in a very weird setup. And he makes people realise that it’s very important to choose or vote for a leader with proper justification and thought.
This ad sends a message to the people of the country that nothing is more important than to serve the nation. Nation comes first always.
3. Humor Appeal
Who doesn’t love humor? Everyone does, right?
In the Fevikwik ad, it shows a man using fevikwik to catch fish within seconds. It is a hilarious ad and one of the most famous ads in the early days of humor advertisements.
In the Fevicol ad, a man is unable to break the egg as the chicken laying eggs is shown to eat grains from a box of fevicol. The man tries different ways to break the egg, but it just doesn’t break. Instead, other things start breaking. Lol.
In the Happydent ad, it shows that there is no electricity anywhere so a guy who chews on happydent, his smile and teeth throw light and he is used everywhere to provide light. It was hilarious.
In the Snickers ad, it’s shown that a guy becomes Sonam Kapoor when he’s hungry. Basically, a guy needs to re-store his power and strength by having a bite of Snickers.
4. Fear Appeal
Using fear as an emotion could also be very crucial and important in order to create a sense of awareness. In Mountain Dew, it shows that a person could even finish a race even if it risks his life of falling into the mountain slide.
In the second ad of Mountain Dew, it shows a man chasing a Cheetah and then he discovers that even a Cheetah drinks Mountain Dew. The tagline was, “Cheetah bhi peeta hai.”
5. Sexual Appeal
In all these ads, sexual appeal is being used. Especially lingerie and condom ads use this on a very regular basis. It kind of brings back sexy. The entire vibe is to look and feel hot and sexy. Brands like Manforce. Durex, Jockey, Calvin Klein, Enamor and Amanté fall under the condoms or lingerie category. Amul Macho ad started with “Yeh toh bada toing hai” in the early era where using sexual appeal was a taboo.
It was a very famous ad, yet it got banned. Imperial Blue ads also ad a sexual appeal to all their ads. In one ad the footsteps sound like a woman is walking and coming close by but when they check, they see a man. In the second ad of Imperial Blue, “Men will be men” ad campaign, just as a woman is about to enter a lift, a man presses all the buttons of each floor. These campaigns are super hilarious plus with a dash of sexual appeal.
6. Romantic Appeal
Love is a different sort of feeling which can’t be expressed merely by saying it but it shows through a person’s eyes. It’s said that “Eyes are a window to a person’s soul.”
The gestures, mannerisms, body language, always smiling, the giddy feeling and the feeling of having conquered the world. The way happiness is expressed through these ads, namely; Dark Fantasy, Cadbury, Lays and Bourbon.
7. Endorsement Appeal
Bigger brands have a huge advantage over the others as they can afford to get brand ambassadors on board for their promotion. Their budgets are pretty huge, hence, they hire anyone who is a celebrity, especially actors, actresses, cricketers, singers etc.
For Loreal, it shows Aishwarya Rai Bacchan, Sonam Kapoor and Katrina Kaif. In the Maybelline ad, we can see Alia Bhatt. In the Chings ad, we can see Ranveer Singh. These people are in no way related to these brands, still they have a huge impact on the consumer base due to their popularity.
8. Youth Appeal
Ageing is a common worry for most people. Hence, people want to stay young forever. There are products in the market which claim to have ingredients of anti-oxidants and age reversing serums. These brands help maintain the suppleness or the beauty of the skin, hair and body.
Most of these ads cast actors or actresses older than their real age in order to target the younger audience so as to be able to look the same when they age. The screen age of an actor/actress is often different than their real age.
9. Popularity Appeal
People go crazy about certain brands. These brands use their logo and promotion on tshirts, merchandise, and any other products too. Whether it’s a bottle, clothing, shoes or anything else. Since, these ads are fast paced ads, normally running is shown to depict that. Basically, you think of something, and you see their logo on it.
These brands collaborate with artists and celebrities too. At times, they release music videos to reach a bigger target audience. Very few brands do this. Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok and Fogg are such brands.
10. Musical Appeal
At times you don’t remember the ads but as soon as the music starts playing, you remember the lyrics of the song and immediately resonate with it and recognise it.
These iconic songs have won awards just due to the music created and placed in the ads. Airtel, Nirma Vicco Vajradanti and Kingfisher could be examples within this category.
11. Adventure Appeal
At times you don’t remember the ads but as soon as the music starts playing, you remember the lyrics of the song and immediately resonate with it and recognise it.
These iconic songs have won awards just due to the music created and placed in the ads. Airtel, Nirma Vicco Vajradanti and Kingfisher could be examples within this category.
12. Empathy Appeal
Ad campaigns involving empathy and understanding of the consequences of a certain action or habit and of equality between genders. This is kind of for a social cause.
It affects the day to day lives of human beings and gives them a sense of responsibility towards society. Hero Motocorp and No Tobacco uses this emotion in their ads to create awareness.
13. Potential Appeal
These ads are majorly futuristic ads which could help build the future of a person or a child. This gives empowerment towards growth in career and studies and helps children achieve their dreams.
Whatever they wish to be, they could be. Byju’S, Aakash Institute, White Hat Junior, Upgrad, Grammarly all fall under this category.
14. Brand Appeal
Starbucks is a brand which anyone and everyone knows. It appears in a lot of movies, ads etc. Often celebs are spotted taking a starbucks take-out from somewhere. This brand associates itself with luxury and social status. They often have various flavours of drinks which are way more expensive. It targets only the richer clientele. Also this brand ties up with designers to maybe have merchandise of cups and flasks from a certain designer. Recently, Sabyasachi collaborated with Starbucks and it was a huge hit. These brands provide free wifi, amazing AC, plus even free refills and tastings. Also, Points are given by the brand which are redeemable and could get you a free beverage size upgrade or even maybe a free coffee on your birthday.
Cadbury also includes a sense of class as well as it has a history of happiness behind it. It’s an Indian chocolate brand which has reached heights. It always depicts cute couples or family oriented ad campaigns. This ad shows how one should support local vendors and not only bigger brands.